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Year 6


Welcome to your final year at Paulton Junior School!

Year 6 is always a fantastic year: filled with exciting new challenges and an opportunity to show your best self!

Bring on a cracking term!

Miss Richards, Mr Smith, Mr Fox & Mr Newland

Term 5


– PE will be on Tuesday (Cricket– outdoors) and Friday (Gymnastics– outdoors). Please ensure full PE kit is worn on Tuesdays and Fridays. Please name all kit.

– On Monday, Homework & Spellings will be uploaded to the website below. If your child needs a paper copy of the homework, they will be provided with one to stick into their book. Homework books, online apps and reading records need to be completed and if necessary brought into school on Friday for your teacher to check.  In Year 6, the expectation is that homework should total around 2 hours a week: this should be a combination of spelling practice, online apps and set homework task (Maths/English/Foundation).

– Reading at home in Year 6 should happen every day. This can be in a variety of forms such as: children reading independently, sharing a chapter together and reading on  Fonetti (if your teacher has given you access). Also, remember reading to your child and listening to audiobooks is extremely beneficial too! Reading records should be signed off by an adult but we expect Year 6 children to record their own independent reading journey themselves. Reading records should be transferred between home and school everyday. Please ensure Accelerated Reader quizzes are completed within 48 hours of finishing the book. See below for the links to assist with reading using apps and AR Quizzes. We expect every child to complete a minimum of 3 quizzes every term.


Please take the time to read through the presentation below.





Activity 1: Reading Activity (30 minutes maximum)

Read the text then answer the questions below - good luck!

Reading Homework 29/04/2024

Activity 2: SPAG Activity (30 minutes maximum)

Complete the worksheet below. You do not need to print out the sheet - focus on completing the table and challenge.

Apostrophes worksheet

Activity 3: Maths (30 minutes)


Complete as many questions as you can in 30 minutes; put a star against any questions that you need help with and discuss them with an adult or older sibling.

Maths Arithmetic Practice

Remember to keep on top of your Doodle Maths - Can you stay in the Green Zone?

Activity 4: Spelling (30 minutes maximum)

You guys are awesome at spotting spelling mistakes - have a go at this worksheet.  Complete your work in your homework books.

Spelling - spot the mistakes

Activity 5Read Theory (15 minutes)

Some children will be required to use Fonetti instead of Read Theory. 

Online Apps

Children’s log ins can be found on the inside cover of their homework book. If you are having problems with these websites, please let us know as soon as possible.

Nessy –

Read Theory –

Times Table Rockstars –

Doodle Maths –

Accelerated Reader (Book Quizzes) –

Fonetti App Download (not for every child) –


If your child requires medication to be kept in school (including inhalers) please ensure it is in their school bag that is kept at their desk throughout the day. If your child has additional medication, please ensure the office has been informed and parental consent has been given for us to administer it.


Forest School – wellies/boots and waterproofs. Children should have these in school if they wish to use the playscape and field in the winter months.

Please note that the appropriate uniform and PE is also required. Children should not be wearing jewellery (unless it is one pair of stud earrings which must be removed for PE). All kit/clothing should be named. If you do not have the suitable kit, please let your teachers know. Please contact the office if you have any issues with the appropriate clothing.


You will be able to sign up to Term 5/6 clubs soon. We will inform you of this as soon as possible. They will run for 3 weeks in each term. Please let the teacher know if you cannot attend.

To sign up for music lessons, please see the links below:

Rocksteady –

Other Music Lessons –



Homework queries can be communicated through the homework books. All other queries should now go through the office ( or give us a call. We will have open door Fridays where you may come into the classroom to see children’s work.



During this term, we will be polishing our maths skills in readiness for SATs.  We will target the skills we need to develop and become faster and more fluent in the areas in which we are more confident.  We will continue to use Doodle Maths ( to help plug any gaps and foster more confidence.

English and Guided Reading

Things are getting tense! Or not - as the case may be.  Once again, we are brushing up on our SPAG and reading skills before getting stuck into some writing inspired by the Ancient Greeks.


  • ART: This term, we are developing our artistic skills using a range of different techniques and media.
  • PE: On Tuesday, we will be developing our cricket skills: fielding, striking and bowling. On Friday, we will be hitting the gym - working on balance, flexibility, core strength, upper and lower-body strength, power, mental focus, discipline, and dedication.
  • Computing: 3D design (using Tinkercad).  We will learn how to use ICT to develop prototypes and discuss the real-world applications of such programmes.
  • History: This term, we will be learning all about the Ancient Greeks and how the influenced modern European society.
  • PHSE: In PSHE, we will be learning all about the world around and how we can become Responsible Global Citizens.
  • RE: In our Christianity topic, we will continue to study their understanding of life, sin and atonement.
  • Science: Science this term will be based on Electricty! We will be investigating circuits - exploring the role of each individual component.
  • Music: We are dusting off the Glockenspiels and learning some new songs!  Hip Hop, RnB, soul, gospel and salsa are some of the genres we will be visiting.




6S class code: JQ9H8K7YH

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