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Keeping you informed

Website, our website at has all the latest news and information for the whole school community.

Newsletters, informing parents of events and dates, are available on our website.

Open Door Friday allows all parents to come into School most Fridays at 3.10pm to look at their children’s work.

Texting and Email Service, we are able to keep parents informed of the very latest developments in school and we text you with positive news about your child's learning progress or their behaviour.


Curriculum information, at the beginning of each term curriculum information will be available on the Year group page on our website. This outlines the learning objectives for your child for the coming term. It is intended to allow you to keep up with what your child is doing at school, and to support this learning where possible. We also have a dedicated curriculum area on our website with the most update information. 

Parent-Teacher Consultations, in order to keep parents informed of their children's progress, and to set targets for their learning in the future, parent-teacher consultations are held twice a year. Our school provides opportunities throughout the school year when parents can discuss their child's progress with the class teacher. These meetings take place during the evening in order to offer the time and privacy for a constructive meeting. During this consultation the class teacher will discuss development in English, Maths and Foundation Subjects with you and your child. You will also have the opportunity to discuss your child's progress and view his or her work.

If you have any concerns or questions at any time throughout the school year please feel free to speak to your child's teacher, if you believe a longer meeting is needed please make an appointment to see the member of staff.

At the end of each academic year a written report is produced by the class teacher which outlines progress in all areas of school life, and sets targets for the core subjects. The report also includes details of your child’s progress against age related expectations.

Parents are also invited to join their children at various times of the year for special events, productions, concerts, class assemblies, sports days and exhibitions.