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Year 5

Accelerated Reader for Quizzes:

Welcome to the Year 5 page!

Hello Year 5,

Welcome back after half-term.  We hope everyone is rested and raring to go for another fun filled term at Paulton Junior School!


  • On Monday, Homework and a Spelling Task will be given out in school.  Children also need to practice the spellings for each week and we will have a test on Friday. 
  • Homework books and reading records need to be in school on Friday for your teacher to check.
  • The Homework will vary each week between Maths and English - sometimes even a Foundation subject.
  • In Year 5, the expectation is that homework should total around 30 minutes a day: this should be a combination of spelling practise, times-table practise, set homework and reading.
  • Reading in Year 5 should happen every day. This can be in a variety of forms such as: children reading independently or sharing a chapter together.  Also, remember reading to your child and listening to audiobooks is extremely beneficial too!
  • Reading records should be commented in by an adult a minimum of 3 times a week and we expect Year 5 children to record their own independent reading journey themselves. Reading records should be transferred between home and school every day.
  • Over the term we will be looking at our times-tables. For extra practice, remember to use Times Table Rockstars. Watch out for battles between classes, will your class win?


  • Our PE days will be on a Monday and Wednesday, please come to school dressed in PE kit which should consist of house t-shirt, shorts/tracksuit bottoms and PE trainers. If it is cold, additional layers including a school jumper and plain jogging bottoms can also be worn.
  • Our Forest School day will be Friday. Please ensure named waterproofs and wellies/appropriate change of footwear are in on this day.
  • Medication such as inhalers should be kept in your child's bag and accessible throughout the day.

From The Year 5 Team.

Curriculum Overview

Here is the curriculum overview for the year: Year 5 Curriculum 2021-22 Overview


We will be looking at two great books this term.  We will use one to plan and write our own sequel to the story.  The other will help us spot all the features of non-chronological reports and the language required and then we will write our own! We will learn the skills of using passive voice in our writing, successful use of a glossary for technical vocabulary and using rhetorical questions to appeal to the reader.

Within Guided Reading, we will be carrying on with our fabulous Space topic from last term and will be reading “Cosmic” by Frank Cottrell-Boyce.  It is a fabulously funny book that we are sure everyone will love!


To start the term, we will be finishing off our fractions topic. This will be followed by decimals and percentages, perimeter and area! This is also a good opportunity to brush up on your times table knowledge, as well as using Times Table Rockstars remember other resources such as 'Hit the Button'


RE – We will continue to explore the culture and beliefs of Hinduism whilst comparing these with Christianity.

PE – On Monday, children will be taught Fitness skills by our external coach and on Wednesday, we will be working on our hockey skills.

PHSE – We a starting our ‘It’s Our Body topic’ which involves how to look after our body and keep it safe.

Science –In Science this term, we will be looking at Living Things and Their Habitats. We will be finding out about different parts of plants and how they grow. We will also be exploring different types of mammals and life cycles of both mammals and plants.

Computing – In this unit, we will use physical computing to explore the concept of selection in programming through the use of the Crumble programming. Over the term, we will learn how to program the Crumble and how to connect and program it to control components (including output devices — such as LED lights and motors).

Art – We are looking at different types of masks, how these can be created from different mediums and finally designing and creating our own!

Music –The children will be exploring jazz music this term. We will be looking at two jazz pieces and supporting tunes.  They will learn about the different dimensions of the music and have a go at playing the glockenspiels!

Geography - We are exploring The Alps and the pros and cons of tourism and how it can affect a country. 

Clubs and Music lessons

Please let the teacher know if you cannot attend your clubs.

To sign up for music lessons, please see the links below:

Rocksteady –

Other Music Lessons –
