Year 4
Welcome to Year 4
Term 2
Hello all and welcome to the Year 4 web page.
Miss Walker, Miss Moody and Mr Fox are looking forward to welcoming the children back to school on Monday 4th November. We have lots of exciting learning planned for Term 2!
Routines - Term 2
PE is on Wednesday (Gymnastics) and Friday (Tag Rugby). Children will need to wear their full PE kit to school. This consists of: House T-shirt, Dark shorts and/or jogging bottoms, trainers and school jumper.
Forest School will be on Mondays during Term 2. Children will need old trainers or wellies in a named carrier bag as well as appropriate wet weather gear (waterproof coat and trousers). We advise that Forest School kit remains in school for the duration of the term as we may take advantage of other opportunities for outdoor learning within our timetable.
Homework will be set on a Monday and completed by Friday. Homework tasks should be completed neatly (using a pencil) in orange Homework books. This will consist of a main task linked to English, Maths or Foundation subjects, as well as a spelling activity related to our weekly rule.
Reading is crucial to every child's progress across the entire curriculum and we expect that every child reads to an adult at home at least 3 times a week. Please record this in their blue reading record and ensure it is brought to school every day.
If you wish to contact your child's class teacher, please do so via the school office or written note handed by your child to the class teacher. Please note: all absences must be reported to the school office directly.
What are we learning this term?
Within English this term, we will be exploring ‘Marcy and the Riddle of the Sphinx’ by Joe Todd- Stanton. This adventurous tale, which links closely to our wider learning of Ancient Egypt, will inspire our fiction and non-fiction writing across the term. We will begin by creating our very own version of the story, with an alternative quest and setting. Later in the term, we will explore the features of persuasive writing in order to plan and write a persuasive letter, linked to the text. Alongside this, we will continue to develop and consolidate our understanding of important elements of punctuation and grammar.
In addition, we will continue to develop our reading skills through regular Guided Reading sessions. We will introduce, explore and apply our new spelling rules and patterns, weekly.
In Maths this term, we will be diving into the world of multiplication and division. To begin, we will be learning the multiples of three and then multiplying and dividing by 6, 9, 7, 11 and 12. We will then explore and consolidate all of the times table and division facts for these multiples. Afterwards, we will be learning to multiply by 1 and 0 and then understanding how to divide a number by 1 and itself. This will be a fun adventure where our number skills will continue to grow!
Time tables are an important part of our mathematical teaching and learning throughout the whole of Year 4. Pupils will complete the National Multiplication Tables Check during the Summer Term. Please support times table learning and speedy recall of multiplication and division facts at home. We recommend regular use of Times Table Rockstars (TTR) app, including use of the Soundcheck feature.
Foundation Subjects
In Science, we will be exploring electricity. We will be learning how electricity is generated and how to classify mains or battery-powered appliances. We will be using our problem-solving skills to construct working electrical circuits, identifying and naming its basic parts, including cells, wires, bulbs, switches and buzzers.
Within our History lessons, we will be studying Ancient Egypt. Our learning will explore fascinating archaeological remains and writing, known as hieroglyphics. We will also consider daily life during Ancient Egyptian times, including how society was structured, gods and goddesses, as well as achievements in farming, building, religion, medicine and crafts.
Audio Editing is our topic within Computing this term. Children will focus on devices which are capable of digitally recording audio and how to identify inputs (microphone) and outputs (headphones or speakers). As the term progresses, children will use this learning to plan, and record, their very own podcast!
In DT, we will be exploring pop-up books before designing, creating and evaluating our own! We will be learning about various mechanisms and folds which will allow us to create an engaging pop-up experience.
R.E focuses on the question ‘Why do some religions share common ways?’ We will be exploring universal symbols such as colour, water, light, sound, fire and silence and how they are used in religions and when expressing beliefs.
Digital Wellbeing will be our focus in PSHE this term. We will be considering both the benefits and risks of an increasingly online world, including how to stay safe online.
In Music we will be learning to play the glockenspiel. Using differing pieces of music, we will learn the notes on the glockenspiel before combining our skills to play complex rhythm patterns.
We will be focusing on Gymnastics and Tag Rugby in P.E. this term. Gymnastics will take place on Wednesdays, and Tag Rugby on Fridays. Please ensure children wear full PE kit into school on these days.
Forest School will continue on Mondays this term. Please ensure appropriate wet weather gear, including wellies and waterproofs, are brought into school each week.
What a fantastic term of learning ahead! We cannot wait to get started…
Please explore our Knowledge Organisers to find out more about this term:
Clubs and Music lessons
You will be able to sign up to Term 1/2 clubs soon. We will inform you of this as soon as possible. They will run for 3 weeks in each term. Please let the teacher know if you cannot attend.
Please complete the form below:
To sign up for music lessons, please see the links below:
Rocksteady –
Other Music Lessons –