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Year 3

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Computing Term 6, Week 5

Debugging Lesson

Computing Term 6, Week 4

Pre-made project with Arrows Programmed

Welcome back to Term 6!


YEAR 3 ASSEMBLY ON FRIDAY 28th JUNE (Time: to be confirmed, but will be after 2pm)

PE will continue to take place on Wednesday (Swimming) and Thursday (Athletics).

Swimming kit should consist of swimming costume, swimming hat, goggles and towel.

Forest School will continue every other week on a Thursday, weather permitting. We suggest children have their Forest School clothes in every week.


In English this term, we will be turning into poets! We will be thinking carefully about our use of rhyme and syllables to create our own limericks and clerihews. We’ll also be refining our speaking and listening skills when performing poems.

Later in the term, we will be developing our descriptive writing skills. We will be creating our own dragon descriptions and showing off all the techniques we've learned, as well as picking up some new ones along the way! These will become the basis for our own stories as we move through the term.  As well as this, we will develop and consolidate some important Punctuation and Grammar (PaG) elements.


For our final term in Year 3, we embark on exploring the properties of shape. This includes looking at turns and angles, including right angles. We will also explore 2D and 3D shapes and their properties.

In our final few weeks we will be looking at pictograms and bar charts and how these can be used in our daily lives.


Swimming will take place on Wednesdays, starting the first week back in Term 6. We will be improving our running, jumping and throwing skills while learning about athletics in our second PE slot of the week, which will take place on Thursdays - we hope you can see these in action if you can join us for Sports Day on Tuesday 18th June (weather permitting).

Every Thursday, we will continue to explore the Playscape and use its surroundings to complete activities and work together with a focus on a variety of objectives from PSHE and Forest School. We are hoping for sunshine but please ensure your child has the appropriate clothing with them for all weather e.g. wellies and waterproofs or sun cream and sun hat!

In Science, the children will continue on their exciting scientific journey where we delve into the world of famous scientists and conduct hands-on investigations that will help recap and consolidate their learning from the year. From exploring sedimentary rock layers to creating our own x-ray images, there's so much to discover and learn!

This term sees us learning about coastlines in Geography and eventually making our own miniature one.

In DT, we will delve into the world of pencil case design. We'll get creative exploring materials and stitch our way to a personalised creation in our classes. Thimbles optional!

In Computing, we will be debugging programmes in SCRATCH.  

In PSHE, we will be reflecting on our achievements and the growth mindset that helped us.  

In RE, we'll delve into the query, "What does it mean to belong to a religion?" with a focus on Islam. 


We also expect children to read at home daily and for this to be recorded in their reading records, a minimum of 3 times per week. Please ensure reading records are in school every day. Your child will receive their reading record at the end of the first week.

Online Platforms

Please also ensure that online platforms, including TTR and Nessy, are used as part of weekly homework tasks. Logins will be sent home in your child’s reading record and homework book.

Links can be found below:

Important information

Homework will be set on a Monday and collected in on Friday. All children are expected to complete homework and work will be differentiated accordingly. Homework will vary each week between English, Maths or Foundation subjects and children will also have weekly spelling tasks to be completed at home.


Please ensure your child has the appropriate clothing with them for the weather.


Note to parents/ carers

It is crucial that all children become confident with their times tables as they will be taking the Year 4 times table test in July 2025 and besides understanding multiplication really is the cornerstone to fluent mathematics.



Please contact the office regarding anything you require immediate advice on or for any urgent messages. Also, please continue to use the office phone line to report your child’s absence. Please feel free to write comments in their homework book too.

We are looking forward to a term of fabulous learning, great team work and enjoyment for all.

Useful websites

These websites will help you for Writing:

For Reading:

For Maths:

Many thanks for your continued support,

Miss Moody, Mr Barge and Mrs Waterhouse

Curriculum Information:

Curriculum Overview: Year 3 Curriculum Overview 2022-23

Oxford Owl for Home with lots of free resources for Primary age. It can provide your child with a schemed reading book. The free ebooks include : Biff and Chip, The Oxford Reading Tree Books, Project X, TreeTops.

As a parent, you will need to sign up and log in with your email address to access lots of the e books. Most have an audio option, to read along or listen to the book being read and additional activities, including comprehension questions to help when you are sharing the books together. There is not a subscription, and you are not expected to buy any of the books.

Book recommendation

Write your name, book details and reason for your recommendation on the Padlet below:

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Additional learning links:

– Topmarks English and Maths Games – see below for help

See the picture below for help. Click learning games at the top of the website. Then select either Maths or English on the left hand side. Check you’ve selected the right age! Finally, choose a category of game, browse the games and choose one to play.


Fun with times tables

Practice singing along to the songs below to help you learn you times tables.