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Year 5

Accelerated Reader for Quizzes:



Welcome to the Year 5 page!

Hello Year 5,

Wow, we can’t believe we are in Term 6 already! We are very much looking forward to the final term of Year 5 with you especially our trip to the zoo on Friday 7th June and our Year Group Assembly on Friday 14th June at 9.15am.


  • On Monday, Homework and Spelling Task for the week will be handed out.
  • Homework books and reading records need to be in school on Friday for your teacher to check.
  • The Homework will vary each week between Maths and English – sometimes even a Foundation subject.
  • In Year 5, the expectation is that homework should total around 30 minutes a day: this should be a combination of spelling practise, times-table practise, set homework and reading.
  • Reading in Year 5 should happen every day. This can be in a variety of forms such as: children reading independently or sharing a chapter together. Also, remember reading to your child and listening to audiobooks is extremely beneficial too!
  • Reading records should be commented in by an adult a minimum of 3 times a week and we expect Year 5 children to record their own independent reading journey themselves. Reading records should be transferred between home and school every day.


  • Our PE days will be Monday and Friday. Please come to school dressed in a PE kit which should consist of a house t-shirt, black or navy shorts and PE trainers. If it is cold, additional layers including a school jumper and plain black or navy jogging bottoms can also be worn.
  • Our Forest School day will be Tuesday. Please ensure named waterproofs and wellies/appropriate change of footwear are in on this day.
  • Medication such as inhalers should be kept in your child’s bag and accessible throughout the day.

From The Year 5 Team

Curriculum Overview

Here is the curriculum overview for the year: New Year 5 Curriculum Overview

Curriculum Overview Term 5


To start with we will look at flashbacks and how we can use symbolism and figurative language to develop our narrative writing. After, we move on to Shakespeare and try to make sense some of historical plays. We will also revisit balanced arguments and how these are structured. Finishing off with writing and performing our own playscripts.

Guided Reading 

This term in Guided Reading we are looking at a wide variety of different texts including: ‘The Explorer’ by Katherine Rundell, ‘Journey to the River Sea’, song lyrics and the poetic nature of them. Also, classes will explore non-fiction texts on rainforests and persuasive arguments. Our Guided Reading sessions aim to provide pupils with opportunities to practice the skills of reading, comprehending and inferring the meaning behind the text.


We start the term by completing our work our decimals, using efficient methods to add and subtract decimals as well as decimal sequencing and multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000. Next, we will explore negative numbers, convert units of measure and finish the term by exploring volume; something we hope to explore practically as well as carryout problem solving investigations.

Foundation subjects


On Mondays, we will be developing our athletic skills and on Fridays we will develop our cricket skills. Both PE sessions are intended to run outside. Please ensure the correct PE is worn.


Over the next few weeks, we are going to learning some old school hip hop from Will Smith and studying “The Fresh Prince of Bel Air”!  We will be playing musical games, thinking about the interrelated dimensions of music (pulse, rhythm, pitch etc.), singing and playing the glockenspiels all while channelling our inner Will Smith!


Where does all our stuff come from?  We will investigate where our clothing and food comes from and then begin to look at food miles and whether buying local produce or food grown overseas is beneficial, taking in to account the amount of food miles.  We also have a visitor coming in from Farrington Farm shop to tell us all about locally produced and sourced produce and also will visit a local supermarket identify all the different countries represented by the food being sold. 


In Term 6, we are going to thinking about why are some journeys and places special?  The focus here is on exploring why people believe that some places are special and discovering what practices and events are associated with these places.


We are going to creative in Computing!  Throughout the term we will be creating vector drawings. Looking at how to use different drawing tools to help create images recognising that images in vector drawings are created using shapes and lines, and each individual element in the drawing is called an object. We can’t wait to see the children’s creations!