Year 6
Welcome to your final year at Paulton Junior School!
Year 6 is always a fantastic year: filled with exciting new challenges and an opportunity to show your best self.
Bring on a cracking term!
Miss Richards, Mr Smith, Mrs Pearson and Mrs Langan
Term 4
How we welcome Springtime! We were a fantastic team at Skern Lodge; let's continue with such fantastic teamwork as we enter Term 4. Remember to bring your best attitude and lots of energy to ensure you have a successful term. We can't wait to get started...
– PE will be on Monday (Hockey - outside) and Thursday (Gymnastics - indoors). Please ensure a full PE kit is worn on Mondays and Thursdays. Please name all kit.
– On Monday, Homework & Spellings will be given to your child to stick in their Homework Book. Homework Books, online apps and Reading Records need to be completed and, if necessary, brought into school on Friday for your teacher to check. In Year 6, the expectation is that Homework should total around 2 hours a week: this should be a combination of spelling practice, online apps and set homework tasks (Maths/English/Foundation).
– Reading at home in Year 6 should happen every day. This can be in a variety of forms, such as: children reading independently, sharing a chapter together and reading on Fonetti (if your teacher has given you access). Also, remember reading to your child and listening to audiobooks is extremely beneficial too! Reading Records should be signed off by an adult, but we expect Year 6 children to record their own independent reading journey themselves. Reading Records should be transferred between home and school every day. Please ensure Accelerated Reader quizzes are completed within 48 hours of finishing the book. See below for the links to assist with reading using apps and AR Quizzes. We expect every child to complete a minimum of 3 quizzes every term.
Term 4
Year 6 Homework Booklet (1 hour)
Your child has been given a Year 6 Homework Booklet to complete throughout Term 4. It should be slotted into their Homework Book. Inside there are three activities for the children to complete:
- Maths
- Reading
- Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar
Each week, children should only complete the Maths, Reading and SPaG for the corresponding week. Please do not race ahead as it is important to only spend 1 hour on the main homework each week and to really focus on revising the key skills for that week.
If your child is struggling with any aspect of their homework, please remind them to speak to any member of the Year 6 team early in the week who will be happy to help them.
This week we have learnt about the Latin prefix -ac.
In Term 4's Spelling Overview stuck in the children's Homework Book and at the bottom of the crossword are the words containing the -ac prefix which the children need to find in the crossword.
-ac Prefix Crossword
Reading (daily)
Reading should happen every day. It can take a variety of forms, such as children reading independently and sharing a chapter together. Remember that listening to audiobooks can be very beneficial too.
Adults, please remember to listen to children read and sign their Reading Records a minimum of 3x per week. Children can also record any independent reading they do too.
Doodle Maths (15 minutes)
Children are expected to complete their Daily Questions every single day.
Please check for Doodle Maths assignments.
Online Apps
Children’s log-ins can be found on the inside cover of their Homework Book. If you are having problems with these websites, please let us know as soon as possible.
Times Table Rockstars –
Doodle Maths –
Accelerated Reader (Book Quizzes) –
Fonetti App Download (not for every child) –
For reference:
Homework Answers
If your child requires medication to be kept in school (including inhalers), please ensure it is in their school bag that is kept at their desk throughout the day. If your child has additional medication, please ensure the office has been informed and parental consent has been given for us to administer it.
Forest School – wellies/boots and waterproofs. Children should have these in school if they wish to use the playscape and field in the winter months.
Please note that the appropriate uniform and PE are also required. Children should not be wearing jewellery (unless it is one pair of stud earrings which must be removed for PE). All kit/clothing should be named. If you do not have the suitable kit, please let your teachers know. Please contact the office if you have any issues with the appropriate clothing.
Clubs will run for 4 weeks in Term 4, beginning in Week 1. Please let the teacher know if you cannot attend.
To sign up for music lessons, please see the links below:
Rocksteady –
Other Music Lessons –
Homework queries can be communicated through the Homework Books. All other queries should now go through the office ( or give us a call on 01761 418137. Additionally, we will have Open Door Fridays where you may come into the classroom to see children’s work.
In Term 4, our Maths curriculum will cover a range of key topics to develop pupils’ understanding and confidence in mathematical concepts. In measurement, we will explore the area and perimeter of rectilinear shapes, the area of triangles and parallelograms, and the volume of cuboids. In number, pupils will deepen their knowledge of ratio, proportion, and scale factors. Our work on data handling will focus on interpreting and presenting information in line graphs, bar graphs, and pie charts. In geometry, pupils will learn to calculate angles, including vertically opposite angles and angles within triangles and quadrilaterals, as well as exploring the nets of 3D shapes. Additionally, our arithmetic fluency sessions will strengthen skills in long division, multiplication, and calculating fractions and percentages of amounts. Through engaging and interactive lessons, we aim to ensure all pupils develop strong problem-solving skills and a secure understanding of these key mathematical concepts.
Check out this useful site to get ahead with your Percenatges fluency:
Term 4 begins with the captivating wartime story The Harmonica by Tony Johnson. Initially, we consider the themes contained within this picture book and focus upon the portrayal of the main character. The author inspires us to consider vocabulary choices and imagery as we journey through the plot. After composing a character description, we move onto Rose Blanche by Roberto Innocent and Ian McEwan- a second story where we discover another child’s wartime experience. Using both stories, we deepen our understanding of this period in history and move on to write a series of non-fiction and fiction pieces. As we read and write, we will deepen our understanding of effective paragraphing and other cohesive devices. We will maintain a focus on punctuation and grammar; particular emphasis will be placed on varied, complex sentence structures and the accurate use of non-negotiable and higher-level punctuation.
Guided Reading
This term, our reading lessons will support our learning in both History and our English lessons. We will look at texts such as The Emergency Zoo by Miriam Halahmy; Goodnight Mr Tom by Michelle Magorian; Warhorse by Michael Murpogo; as well as Anne Frank's diary. These texts will help us to deepen our understanding of people's varied experiences during the war and provide a historical context for our work. We will explore a range of question types centred around VIPERS and look at how we can improve our efficiency at answering the types of questions we expect to find in our upcoming SATS.
- Vocabulary – Understanding the meaning of words in context.
- Inference – Drawing conclusions based on evidence from the text.
- Prediction – Using clues to anticipate what might happen next.
- Explanation – Discussing themes, language choices, and text structure.
- Retrieval – Finding and recalling key information from the text.
- Summarise (KS2) – Summarising key ideas (KS2)
- DT: In D.T. this term, we are using our knowledge of electrical circuits to create a game which relies on completing the electrical circuit to be successful. We will explore how we can use these skills to create a kinaesthetic game. Our D.T. this term will be taught as a project over a whole day towards the end of term.
- PE - Gym: In this unit, pupils will develop their knowledge of compositional principles in gymnastics, including variations in level, direction, and pathways. They will learn how to link actions smoothly, relate movements to a partner or apparatus, and create sequences with control and precision. Working collaboratively, pupils will build trust and use formations to enhance performance aesthetics. They will also have opportunities to give and receive feedback to refine their routines. This unit supports key National Curriculum strands, focusing on flexibility, strength, technique, control, and balance.
Key Skills:
Physical: Straddle roll, forward roll, backward roll, counterbalance, counter tension, bridge, shoulder stand, handstand, cartwheel, flight
Social: Working safely, collaboration, communication, respect
Emotional: Independence, confidence, determination
Thinking: Observing and providing feedback, comprehension, selecting and applying actions, evaluating and improving sequences
- PE - Hockey: In Term 4, pupils will develop their skills in hockey, an exciting invasion game that focuses on attacking and defending principles. They will learn key techniques such as dribbling, passing, receiving, tackling, and shooting while applying strategies to maintain possession and outwit opponents. Alongside physical skills, pupils will build teamwork, communication, and decision-making abilities, as well as understanding the importance of fair play and self-management. This unit also supports key National Curriculum strands, including playing competitive games and applying attacking and defending principles.
- Computing: Data and information - Introduction to Spreadsheets: This unit introduces the learners to spreadsheets. They will be supported in organising data into columns and rows to create their own data set. Learners will be taught the importance of formatting data to support calculations, while also being introduced to formulas and will begin to understand how they can be used to produce calculated data. Learners will be taught how to apply formulas that include a range of cells, and apply formulas to multiple cells by duplicating them. Learners will use spreadsheets to plan an event and answer questions. Finally, learners will create charts, and evaluate their results in comparison to questions asked.
- History: In this unit, we will research and compare the impact of the First and Second World Wars on our locality - Paulton. We will not study WW1 or WW2, as these are part of the secondary school curriculum. Instead, the focus of our lessons is on the Home Front and how the wars impacted on the community.
- PHSE/RSE: In the Growing Up: Health and Well-being unit, Year 6 children are taught to:
- Describe the changes that people’s bodies go through during puberty and how we can look after our changing bodies;
- Describe how thoughts and feelings may change during puberty and suggest how to deal with those feelings;
- Recognise that many things affect the way we feel about ourselves and understand that there is no such thing as an ideal kind of body;
- Understand what a loving relationship is and that there are many types of relationships;
- Understand what a sexual relationship is and who can have a sexual relationship; and
- Describe the process of human reproduction, from conception to birth.
- RE -Islam: In Year 6, our RE learning will focus on Islam, exploring its beliefs, teachings, and practices. Pupils will learn about the Five Pillars of Islam and their importance in the daily lives of Muslims. They will also explore the significance of the Qur’an, places of worship, and key festivals such as Ramadan and Eid. Through discussions and reflective activities, pupils will develop a deeper understanding of Islamic values, including faith, charity, and community. This unit encourages respect and appreciation for different religions, fostering thoughtful and inclusive discussions about beliefs and traditions.
- Science -Light: In this unit, pupils will explore how light travels in straight lines and how we see objects when light is reflected into our eyes. They will learn about the law of reflection, which states that the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection, and investigate refraction, where light bends as it moves through different materials. Pupils will also discover how prisms split light into the visible spectrum, creating a rainbow effect, and understand how we perceive colours. Finally, they will explore Newton’s discoveries about the colour spectrum and how shadows form based on the shape of objects.
- Music: In Music, children revisit the ukulele and learn both syncopated rhythms and melodies. They will create arrangements with different parts and enjoy playing in a whole class ensemble as well as smaller groups.
Lesson Resources
Touch Typing
Dance Mat Typing (BBC)