Summer Award Winners 2024

Congratulations to all of our award winners!
House Cup Winners - Beech
Spirit of the School - Bertie L
Reading Star - Jeron J
Gardener of the Year - Leo B and Gardener Runner Up - Maya H
Lower School Musician - Matilda B
Upper School Musician - Joseph R
Sports girl of the Year - Jasmine D
Sports boy of the Year - Josh C
Most Improved Handwriting - Rory S, Thomas S, Luke J and Maiya-Rose S
Most Improved Handwriting Runners Up - Skylar T, Pearl R, Leo P, Kiera G, Felix R, Ethan E, Rosie W and Oscar S
Most Improved Writing - Kaja K, Hannah K, Jemima T and Aaron T
Most Improved Writing Runners Up - Kacper K, Elsie C, Evie H, Evodie M, Owen T, Rolfie B, Bartosz T and Archie R